Bạc lót tự bôi trơn SF-1B Bronze Pb-free (Self Lubricating Bearings)

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Tìm hiểu về Bạc lót tự bôi trơn nhóm SF-1B Bronze Pb-free Self Lubricating Bearings

» Bạc lót tự bôi trơn nhóm SF-1B (Bronze Pb-free Self Lubricating Bearings) là một sản phẩm có độ an toàn cao dùng trong môi trường nhiệt độ cao, nơi không có dầu bôi trơn và máy móc phải làm việc liên tục trong thời gian dài.

» Bạc lót tự bôi trơn SF-1B Bronze Pb-free được sử dụng rộng rãi trong ngành luyện thép, ngành sản xuất xi măng, như dùng làm ống lót cho rãnh lăn của máy đúc liên tiếp, máy bơm vữa xi măng.

Ứng dụng

1. PTFE and lipophilic Friber can protect the shaft, while the machine in operation.

2. Bronze have good thermal conductivity, it'll divert heat while the machine operating.

3. It can be applied in the machine, working long time, which examine and repair is incapable, because the bronze can lubricate itself.

4. It is used in the feeble acid and alkali condition because of good anti-corrosion of bronze backing.

5. Good load capacity.

6. It is widely used in steel metallurgy industry, such as bushes for foller grooves of successive casting machines, cement grouting pumps and scrow conveyers of machine.

7. It can be composed in steel housing, or fabricated into fianged bushes which result in function for montion both on fiange and I.D.

Bảng thông số kỹ thuật vật liệu (Technical Data)

Max load Static 250N/mm2
Very low speed 140N/mm2
Roatating oscillating 60N/mm2
Max. PV (dry running) Short-term operation 3.6N/mm2.m/s
Continuous operation 1.8N/mm. m/s
Temp. limit -195ºC ~ +280ºC
Friction coefficient 0.03 ~ 0.20μ
Max. speed Dry running 2m/s
Hydrodynamic operation > 2m/s
Thermal conductivity 60 W(mxk)-1
Coefficient of thermal expansion 18×10-6 K-1

SF-1B Bronze Pb-free

SF-1B Bronze Pb-free Material Structure

Cấu trúc vật liệu

1.PTFE with Fiber 0.01~0.03mm.
2.Porous bronze 0.2~0.3mm.
3.Bronze backing 0.7~2.3mm.

Kích thước

» Tiêu chuẩn: Sleeve Bearings, Flange Bearings, Compound Thrust Washer, Strip

» Phi tiêu chuẩn: Sleeve Bearings, Flange Bearings, Compound Thrust Washer, Strip, Bearings Bushing, Wear Strip, Steel combine Units.

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